News #11 Virtual Online – Golfers Pilates & Core Strength Classes Tuesday & Friday Morning start Tues 14th April 2020

Are you playing or better were you playing Golf up to a few weeks back, pre the global Covid-19 or Corona Virus outbreak? Here is your chance to brush up on your Core-Strength & Pilates Skills and learn various (1) Strengthening, (2) Mobilizing and (3 ) Loosening Exercises specifically chosen for Golfers.

I was teaching a Golf focused Pilates & Core-Strength Class up to around four weeks back, in a local Golf club ( Dun Laoghaire Golf Club ) in Enniskerry (South of Dublin) for the last one and a half years.

These classes are now available online and take initially place:
(1) Tuesday 10:00am – 10:30am
Pre-booking is essential as places are limited to 10 participants per class.
(2) Friday 10:00am – 10:30am – pre-booking is essential
Pre-booking is essential as places are limited to 10 participants per class.
Book a class or find a full virtual-live class timetable here.

Stay Pro-Active, Stay Fit and Stay Healthy!


News #6 📽 🎞 Video #1 – Warm-Up & General Loosening, Stretching Routine for (mainly the) Back, Neck, Spine Shoulders 🎥

Standing Warm-Up, Stretching and Loosening Exercise Video:

In the below video you see me doing mainly Back, Neck, Spine and Shoulder Stretches, which you could do:
as a Good-Stretching Morning routine, after getting up.

2. as a Home-Office-Break, during your work-day, if you started to work at home recently due to Covid-19 or if you are generally working from home.

as a general Warm-Up Routine for i.e. playing Golf or other sports.  

4. what else do you think
could this routine be used for ????

I’m in the process of trying different recording setups indoors and outdoors, with different cameras, microphones, lighting, computers or mobile phones to see what works best. I know that the sound in this video it not super-crisp, but I think it’s better to have something up for you than nothing new at all.

So bear with me and check the videos that I will publish in the next few days
Any feedback is welcome, as it will allow me to improve these Fitness, Stretching, Pilates and Tonning videos, so you get more out of them.

Stay Active, Stay Fit & Stay Healthy

(recorded with screening recording sw via wb, use bluetooth headset, chromebook)