News #8 đź“˝ 🎞 Video #3 Sample Class – View a few Live-Pilates-Class Snippets from a Trial Pilates & Stretching Class I taught online last week

Find a view sample *Live-Online Pilates Class Snippets* from two different Trial Live-Classes that I taught last Friday morning 27th March 2020.

The video is here to give you an idea what the Live-Online Pilates & Live-Online Fitness Classes look like and also demo how easy it is to access these Live Online Classes.

In these class snippets you see us doing various Stretching, Loosening and Mobilising exercises. You will get an idea of how I interact with the class participants during the online-classes, how I correct, encourage and motivate participants.

Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have in relation to this video or in relation to my

    1. Live-Online Classes
    2. Pre-Recorded Classes (coming soon)
    3. One-to-One Online Coaching and Training
      (this might be in the area of Toning, Weight-Loss, Nutrition, Pilates, Self-Motivation, Goal-Setting or Self & Time-Management).

Stay Active, Stay Fit and Stay Healthy!

News #6 đź“˝ 🎞 Video #1 – Warm-Up & General Loosening, Stretching Routine for (mainly the) Back, Neck, Spine Shoulders 🎥

Standing Warm-Up, Stretching and Loosening Exercise Video:

In the below video you see me doing mainly Back, Neck, Spine and Shoulder Stretches, which you could do:
as a Good-Stretching Morning routine, after getting up.

2. as a Home-Office-Break, during your work-day, if you started to work at home recently due to Covid-19 or if you are generally working from home.

as a general Warm-Up Routine for i.e. playing Golf or other sports.  

4. what else do you think
could this routine be used for ????

I’m in the process of trying different recording setups indoors and outdoors, with different cameras, microphones, lighting, computers or mobile phones to see what works best. I know that the sound in this video it not super-crisp, but I think it’s better to have something up for you than nothing new at all.

So bear with me and check the videos that I will publish in the next few days
Any feedback is welcome, as it will allow me to improve these Fitness, Stretching, Pilates and Tonning videos, so you get more out of them.

Stay Active, Stay Fit & Stay Healthy

(recorded with screening recording sw via wb, use bluetooth headset, chromebook)


News #5 đź“˝ 🎞 Home Office – 10min Neck, Back, Shoulder Loosening & Stretching Routine (No. 12) 🎥

The 4th video, very appropriate for the current Covid-19 time, an “Home-Office Stretching Video”, a 10min Desk/Office Neck, Back, Shoulder Stretching Video, which is also a copy from my old website.

In this “General Stretching and Loosening Video” I’m showing you a 10min “Neck, Back and Shoulder Stretching” Routine. This includes various standing and seated stretches. You could do the program e.g.

  1. first thing in the morning after waking up, to loosen your body after a good nights rest.
  2. as an office desk mid-morning or lunchtime break
  3. as an evening routine after work or a long day at the desk to stretch those tight neck, back and shoulder muscles.
  4. maybe when driving long-distances as a mini-break
  5. what else could you use this routine for ……? Let me know.

The stretches and exercises are very simple and can be done anywhere. You don’t need any special equipment or props, nor do you need to change clothing – simple – quick and easy !!!

You will see a few seated stretches being done in an office chair, just to give you some ideas what can be done to stretch your back, spine and shoulder area and reduce tension in that area, as it gets tight for most of us when sitting for hours on a desk.

Aim to do some or all of these exercises at least once a day, ideally twice a day. Maybe get your work colleagues to join in and do it as a team activity or break. Taking a few minutes out will give you a mental break and boost your alertness and productivity.

I generally recommend to
(1) set a fixed time at which you do this stretching program e.g. mid-morning 10am or after your lunch break at 1.30pm. The main goal is to establish a routine, something you do at set times and days. Ultimately you want to do this without having to think about it, without any conscious effort – your posture will thank you.
(2)  Schedule it in your diary at the beginning of the week, it only takes 10min.
(3) Get your work colleagues to join and make is team activity or do it together with you partner or spouse.
(4) ask yourself “What is different after doing this stretching routine?” – “Which body-part loosened up or is more relaxed after the stretches?” – “What are the benefits of doing this?”

Enjoy, let me know how you get on and send me an e-mail with your questions.