News #14 June 2020 – Update/E-mail Mens *Online & Virtual* Pilates & Core Strength Classes with Martin

This is for those from whom I don’t have an e-mail address, at the moment.

Hi all,

Hopefully, this e-mail finds you well, and you managed to get ok through the last two/three months.

Let me know if I can be of any help with fitness, core strength, Pilates, mobility, flexibility or nutrition advice or help. I plan to start recording a weekly video where I either answer your question or talk about fitness, health, nutrition-related topic or demo and show different exercises.

Thanks to those who already joined some of my Online Pilates & Cores Strength Classes in the last few weeks, since late March 2020. I hope you got something out of it and found the 60min long classes benefical.

You can choose between two Tuesday evening Men Only Classes 6pm and 7.30pm and various mid-morning classes (mainly men beside the Wednesday 10am and Thursday 10am class – Over 60s/Active Seniors)

Here a link to my current Online-Virtual Class Timetable:
There is a limit of 11 class participants per class for the online classes.

The online class prices are:
(1) Once-off / Drop-In class €13
(2) INTRODUCTION OFFER – available *once per person*
_- a Block of Classes €32 (to be used within 5 weeks of purchasing)
(3) a Block of 4 classes €50 (to be used within 5 weeks of purchasing)
(4) a Block of 8 classes €90 (to be used within 10 weeks of purchasing)

Simply follow the following orange text-link >>>**Class Packages & Gift-Certificates/Vouchers….**<<< for the packages.
Pilates Classes in South Dublin Timetable with Martin LINK to CLASS PACKAGES Gift Certificates 2020-06-04

Regarding In-Person Classes
Taney Parish Centre / Dundrum plans to hopefully open mid-August, if not definitely early September. Sandyford Community Centre is currently preparing for opening, but the manager doesn’t know yet when they will open.
I haven’t heard back from Belarmine Community Centre at all.

[This is for those who already attended some of my online classes]
There are also suggestions/options for a “Contribution Payment – for already attended Online Classes.”
in the last few weeks and months a the bottom of the **Class Packages & Gift-Certs… ** page.

Please consider adding a bit extra money, as a lot of time, work and effort went into setting up
the new website and figuring all the necessary things out, besides actually teaching the classes.

Any questions or feedback give me a call 086-1736720 or send me an e-mail.

Have a good week.

Thank you
Best Regards

News #8 📽 🎞 Video #3 Sample Class – View a few Live-Pilates-Class Snippets from a Trial Pilates & Stretching Class I taught online last week

Find a view sample *Live-Online Pilates Class Snippets* from two different Trial Live-Classes that I taught last Friday morning 27th March 2020.

The video is here to give you an idea what the Live-Online Pilates & Live-Online Fitness Classes look like and also demo how easy it is to access these Live Online Classes.

In these class snippets you see us doing various Stretching, Loosening and Mobilising exercises. You will get an idea of how I interact with the class participants during the online-classes, how I correct, encourage and motivate participants.

Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have in relation to this video or in relation to my

    1. Live-Online Classes
    2. Pre-Recorded Classes (coming soon)
    3. One-to-One Online Coaching and Training
      (this might be in the area of Toning, Weight-Loss, Nutrition, Pilates, Self-Motivation, Goal-Setting or Self & Time-Management).

Stay Active, Stay Fit and Stay Healthy!

News #6 📽 🎞 Video #1 – Warm-Up & General Loosening, Stretching Routine for (mainly the) Back, Neck, Spine Shoulders 🎥

Standing Warm-Up, Stretching and Loosening Exercise Video:

In the below video you see me doing mainly Back, Neck, Spine and Shoulder Stretches, which you could do:
as a Good-Stretching Morning routine, after getting up.

2. as a Home-Office-Break, during your work-day, if you started to work at home recently due to Covid-19 or if you are generally working from home.

as a general Warm-Up Routine for i.e. playing Golf or other sports.  

4. what else do you think
could this routine be used for ????

I’m in the process of trying different recording setups indoors and outdoors, with different cameras, microphones, lighting, computers or mobile phones to see what works best. I know that the sound in this video it not super-crisp, but I think it’s better to have something up for you than nothing new at all.

So bear with me and check the videos that I will publish in the next few days
Any feedback is welcome, as it will allow me to improve these Fitness, Stretching, Pilates and Tonning videos, so you get more out of them.

Stay Active, Stay Fit & Stay Healthy

(recorded with screening recording sw via wb, use bluetooth headset, chromebook)